
January 12, 2012

Ultra Runner of the Year :)

Wow, what a privelege to be announced this week at Female North American Ultra Runner of the Year by Ultrarunning Magazine (click here). To see my name listed along sides the likes of Ann Trason, Kami Semick and Nicki Kimball - all ladies who have inspired me since I took up ultra running - really is quite something.

Ultrarunnerpodcast interviewed me and you can listen to the podcast with myself and male UROY winner, Dave Mackey, just click here.

Now, I think 2011 really is over, so let's all look forward to 2012!

Happy trails


  1. Congrats Ellie. I am excited for your 2012!

  2. Great news, Ellie! It is a well-deserved award in recognition of the incredibly hard work you put towards your training. Being so darned smiley all the time probably doesn't hurt, either :-)

  3. Awesome Ellie! Here's to a GREAT start to 2012...

  4. Congratulations, Ellie, with this well-deserved award! I hope to see you in a week, in the LL-Banff Loppet.

  5. HUGE congrats! You more than earned it!!!!
