April 22, 2011

New Banff Run Club

Well I think even here in Banff we can finally say that spring is in it's way! It has been a long winter this year (it was snowing on my cycle into work yesterday, and although this morning the snow had stopped it was still a chilly minus 9) but slowly the snow is melting off the trails and the roads are looking pretty bare.

So, if you had hung up your running shoes over the winter or were hibernating at the Sally Borden gym then now is the time to get OUTSIDE and RUN! A great way to keep you motivated is to join the new Lululemon Run Club. There will be an in-store info session at Lululemon (121 Banff Ave) on Wednesday 27th at 8pm, and then the first weekly run starts the following Wednesday (May 4th) at 6pm.

So dust off your running shoes and come and join. All abilities (from total beginner) welcome, and best of all - it's FREE!

For more info check out http://www.lululemon.com/banff/banff/events/event-31573-2011-04-27


  1. Oh my goodness me Ellie i heard you on running stupid and looking at your record you're phenomenal. Is it wrong to walk/run if you are a 40 yr old veteran who is a back of the packer or is it looked down upon as although i do this i am not sure what others think when they are flying past me.

  2. Run, walk and have fun bipolar boy! Happy running :)

  3. Hi Ellie,

    I'll be visiting Banff with a group next month and while I'm not a skier, i AM an avid trail runner and running enthusiast in general. I will be there Jan 27-Feb 4. Are there any races or running groups that meet to run during my stay?? If you could point me in any directions or give me any additional information, I would really appreciate it!

